Frequently Asked Questions for Medical Providers

How can you help my patients?

Most physicians have patients who are elderly, ill or frail and have complex medical issues requiring multiple medications and sometimes tests and treatments.  Many of these patients don’t have family or loved ones in the Denver metro area that are able to attend appointments with them and even if they do the family may not understand the diagnoses, medications or treatments any better than the patient.  Other patients may not have family in the area. We can act on the family member’s behalf to help the patients follow through on your instructions and make sure they understand their diagnoses and medications.  We can work with the patient’s adult children to understand what issues they need help with.  We will attend appointments, ensure that follow up appointments are made and kept, prescriptions are filled and taken and provide a written summary to family members so they are informed and involved.  We can also work with patients on insurance and billing issues.

Will insurance pay for your services?  

We are private patient advocates who work for patients and their families.  Our services are not covered by insurance.

Do you accept commissions or renumeration from any services, providers or Senior Living Communities?

No,  ReAssured Advocacy does not receive or accept commissions from any outside product or service providers including senior living communities.  We work for the patient and/or their family.  This is part of our Code of Conduct and Professional Standards.

What other services can you offer my patients? 

We can assist and advocate for:

  • Patients needing help understanding and navigating the system
  • Patients undergoing treatment who are too ill or overwhelmed to handle all the details
  • Patients who need help finding a specialist, getting a second opinion, researching treatment options
  • Patients recovering from a recent hospitalization who need short term help as they recover.
  • Patients and families who need help researching housing options that offer more care and services
  • Out-of-town family who need help managing the care of an aging parent long distance.
  • Patients with complex and/or serious medical diagnoses such as cancer

What are your qualifications?

Re:assured Advocacy principals Don and Cindy Rigot have 60 years of combined expertise working with health care providers. Their respective strengths in health coverage/coordination and healthcare communication are complemented by mutual experience and professional training in advocacy and navigation.